It feels slightly strange to speak of theater in a time when so much else is uncertain. It’s also challenging not to speak of theater if you’re an artist, or audience, or community member for whom this form of storytelling especially matters.

I’m an artist for whom this form matters. Though primarily a maker of theater, I’m also strangely unable to fully articulate my interests in it. I don’t know why it is I do theater; I just do.

I feel similarly about The Bushwick Starr. And if you’ve seen even one show at their 60-seat theater you likely feel the same. How do they do it? Creating such strange, unlikely magic?? The fun and ambition??? All revealed to us on a teeny, tiny stage???? Honestly though I don’t want to know how. I’m only hopeful that they can and will continue to get to make it for years to come.

If daring and fearless theater matters to you too then please consider supporting the Starr with a financial gift. As an artist who had my own New York playwriting debut there, I can say for certain that your support will have an impact both right now and well beyond today.

With gratitude,

- Phillip Howze, Creator of Frontières Sans Frontières


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